Thursday, February 16, 2012

Not All Digital Versions of Vita Games Are Cheaper

In unsurprising but disappointing news, not all digital versions of Vita games are guaranteed to be cheaper through the PlayStation Store.

FIFA Soccer, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, F1 2011, and Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour are, dollar for dollar, the exact same price on the PlayStation Store as they are at, say, GameStop or Amazon.
Coinciding with Vita’s early release for those who pre-ordered bundles, more Vita games are now in the PlayStation Store. This follows up on Sony’s promise that most, if not all, Vita games would be available for purchase in digital and retail forms.

Of course, many Vita games are cheaper digitally.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss is $49.99 at retail but $44.99 digitally. Similar reductions has been applied to a number of launch Vita games, and not all of them were published by Sony. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, for example, is $34.99 digitally but $39.99 at retail. Elsewhere, all of Ubisoft’s games have welcomed digital price cuts.

Will these price cuts last forever? Who knows. Prediction: no.
Seems like digital price cuts are a thing that will happen on a case-by-case, publisher-by-publisher basis.


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