Friday, February 10, 2012

Latest Mass Effect 3 Trailer Sees FemShep Reinstated

hose of you out there with female Shepards rejoice, as BioWare has today released a new trailer starring none other than 'FemShep' herself, mixing it up with the Reapers and getting in on the action. "Tell your friends we're coming for them," she snarls after curb stomping an alien in the video. Nice.

There's also a few small cameos for the eagle-eyed among you including Kaidan, Jacob and (we think) Miranda too, all of which are of the 'blink-and-you'll-miss-'em' variety. Still, like all of the other Mass Effect 3 trailers to date, it gets the blood pumping once again, whetting our appetite for the grand trilogy finale next month.

Watch the trailer to see FemShep kicking ass and taking names, then prepare to save Earth from Reaper invasion when Mass Effect 3 touches down on March 6th in North America and March 9th in Europe.


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